Sending your children to after school programs is great for many reasons but you have to find the best one. By sending your children to an after school program focused on English conversation, your student is going to have many benefits. One benefit is that your child is going to be exposed to English every day and will be able to pick up on words/phrases much faster. Another benefit is that your child will experience new cultures. In our program we offer main activities for fun but are in English. For example, we do cooking classes multiple times a month so that kids can have hands on experience with cooking and using English. Other activities we do include, programming, science, art, sports, calligraphy, and games. Overall, there are many pluses to sending your children to an English school after school program.
Why an English conversation school after school is better than the regular after school programs. 放課後の英会話学校が通常の放課後プログラムよりも優れている理由。8月5日 インクル子ども英会話浜松市